
July 15, 2008

On my own

What's New?

A few months ago I bought my first house in Dallas. It's a small 3 bedroom house built in the Rollingwood Hills area of Dallas. I grew up in a small farming town of about 1,000 in South Texas, so the move to Dallas was shocking at first. After I graduated, I moved to Malibu, CA. I lived in what I like to call the "Malibu Bubble", where luxury cars, luxury brands, and luxury living are the norm. Malibu didn't necessarily give me the "street smarts" needed to live on my own. For example, in Malibu, I had daily maid service and weekly gardeners. We had a weekly laundry service that would come to our door, pick up our laundry and have it clean, pressed and neatly folded by the next morning. A trip to the local grocery store meant paying $5.00 for a HALF-dozen of eggs and artisan water flown in from the Islands of Fiji (so the tag says). No other alternatives were offered. $2.00 for a Mango imported from Mexico (which cost 5.70 Pesos a Kilogram in a grocery store in Mexico {.57 cents for roughly 2 lbs.}) A life where the biggest worry was if Malibu FroYo was still open after 5.

Lets fast forward to today. Now I have to do my own laundry (I don't have a washer/dryer yet.) I don't have a lawn mower so I have to pay some neighborhood kids to mow my lawn. I have to buy my own groceries, cook, PAY BILLS. Living on my own is tough, but I'll manage. :)


Anonymous said...

It is also cheaper. You will get the hang of it. In my family we all pitch in and help eachother. You can get a club memebership for discounts on lots of things, food and lawn mowers ect.. The best prices for the things you listed are at Cub Foods or Food Maxx. You have to bag it yourself but, it is still cheaper. Cost-co and Sam's club are great for deals. Take care. your friend, Annette Congrats on your home. I remember when Mom got hers. She went overboard though. ha ha

Anonymous said...

They may not have those stores there but, if they do they will be listed under a different name. You save if you bag your own things. GOOD LUCK. You can do it!! Your friend, Annette