So my internship at Dieste Harmel has come to an end. Dieste wouldn't have been the same without a certain few individuals. First off, Joanna. Joanna was the "other intern" that started this journey with me. BUT, she decided to go to Thailand in the middle of Summer and ditched me! She did bring me a Thai flag patch for my camera case or my messenger bag. Jessica was pretty SWEET also. She accompanied me to our favorite food court. In order to get to the food court we had to pass through a series of underground tunnels and through a few abandoned buildings. Lets just say that the journey was very reminiscent of the mall scene in Cloverfield. Brazil. Oh Brazil Brazil Brazil. The only things I understood from this guy was, "Eh Man" (when talking to me" and "Eh Chica" (when referring to any female in our "area". Brazil was fun and entertaining. Especially while singing Over the Rainbow for an entire day. I need to learn a little bit of Portuguese so that I can communicate with him if i ever come across him in the future.
Last night we had the 5th Annual Butterfly Rock Battle of the Bands benefiting the Veronica Leon Scholarship Fund. The event was a huge success. A ton of people from our sister Omnicom agencies showed up. Hopefully the Battle of the bands will only continue to grow as the years progress.

Unfortunately, Ho Downs arestill very popular in Texas.

Cool. Annette Oh and great photos. You look so Sharp!!
YESSS! We finally made it on the blog :) It was a great summer. Please, please stay in touch. Oh and email me your address so I can send you the t-shirt. Have a great semester.
We love you too marco!!! And by the way, you might need to call me again. I think I forgot to save your number....maybe one to many drinks??? Anyways, it was tons interning with you. Good Luck!
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