I want to keep you guys in the loop so I will start with Boston.
On my first day in Boston, I had to take the T to my hotel which was located in Somerville. Somerville sounded like a nice neighborhood. Boy was I wrong. I didn't run into any trouble but I knew something was up when there was three security guards on patrol at the entrance to my hotel. Checking in was a hassle... Apparently you have to be 21 in order to check into a hotel. I somehow missed the memo... but I talked them into letting me check in.
Second day was a usual day.... I helped setup for the expo and after a couple of Dunkin Donuts decided that a trip to the Crocs Flagship Store was well deserved. The Crocs Flagship is located in Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall area.

This part of town is known for their amazing food and shopping. I went to an Urban Outfitters which had two separate entrances which connected on the second floor. The store even had an elevator!!! I was standing right next to the elevator (which i hadn't noticed) when the doors opened and some random dude in a business suit stood there. We both stared at each other with a "WTF" look on our faces. I was surprised there was an elevator in the store while he was surprised that the elevator had stopped right in the clearance section of some random store. That moment was priceless.

The Expo was HUGE and fun..... Dunkin Donuts made a lot of money from us :) but the donuts were just oh so good.... goooooood... After the expo, it was tiem for us to go back and rest.. I still had a lot more of Boston to soak up... including Harvard and the Freedom Trail!